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Degree Works
Degree works is a web-based degree audit and tracking system helping students and advisors monitor progress toward degree completion. DegreeWorks provides an accessible, convenient, and organized way for students to know where they are academically and how they can plan their college career.
Degree works will is accessible by logging into BannerWeb/My Info.
DegreeWorks Features:
The worksheet displays a student’s degree progress based on their declared major/program. This worksheet displays all the degree, general studies/Core, major, second major (if applicable) requirements and the classes the student has taken to satisfy them. The worksheet also shows incomplete requirements, reminding students of what classes they need to take. It illustrates the classes that have not been attempted (in red) and the classes in progress (in blue). For the classes that have not yet been attempted, DegreeWorks offers suggestions as to which class to take, thereby eliminating the hassle of searching for classes to satisfy an unmet requirement.
The What-If allows an advisor or student to see a worksheet for a new or second major/program, whether they are thinking about changing their major or adding an additional major. The What-If allows students to view how their progress changes with a new major or additional major, which classes can be applied towards the new major, which classes will not count, and which new classes need to be taken.
GPA Calculator:
The GPA Calculator tab is for students to calculate what their term GPA may be based on what grade they predict they will get in a course. The GPA Calculator can help students in realistic goal-setting at the beginning of the term, as well as help with accurate mapping of their paths for achieving honors, avoiding academic warning or suspension, or satisfying personal academic aspirations.
Exiting Banner Web/My Info will exit you out of the program.
DegreeWorks is for educational and planning purposes only. It is the student's responsibility to work with an academic advisor to review degree progress and verify the accuracy of this report. An official review of your degree will be completed by the Registrar's Office after you have applied to graduate. This degree checklist is not your official transcript.